Mentors are one of the most highly valued resources for small and medium sized business. Over 92% of small businesses agree, that engaged mentors have had direct impact on defining strategic ways to help them sustain, build, and grow their businesses. This program works with small business owners and non-profits to create a tangible strategy, and then matches you with both an expert Business Advisor and specialists to help you execute the plan successfully.
Existing Business Small Business Medium Business Mentorship
During the course of completing the Momentum Program, you will receive:
This 3 month intensive Advisory program is built to help businesses navigate pain points and growth strategies.
Momentum mentors bring years of business experience, many of them successful small business owners themselves. Mentors volunteer through the Business Centre Guelph-Wellington to help other entrepreneurs like you, by sharing their real-world experience and bona fide knowledge in running successful small businesses.
This program works with small business owners by matching you with a Business Advisor/Mentor to create a tangible plan that will help to overcome some of the current barriers your business maybe facing in these times of recovery. Your Advisor/Mentor with help to better position you and your business for future growth and sustainability.
We understand that there are not for profit organizations struggling to survive and so we are happy to include registered Not for Profit and Charitable organizations looking for the same guidance, support, and resources as well.
Please note that there is absolutely NO COST TO YOU, just the opportunity to surround yourself with people who have been successful in their businesses and professional careers and want the same for you . Your expectations are dedicating your time and effort while included in the program to implement the goals and plans developed between you, your Advisor.
Sound good? Registering today as we are now accepting applications for the next cohort.
Momentum is open to small businesses and Not for Profit organizations throughout Ontario with the follow requirements: